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One World. One Love. One Tone. LOVETUNER 528hz

The Lovetuner and Bioresonance: Science meets Ancient Wisdom

The Lovetuner and Bioresonance: Science meets Ancient Wisdom

Modern science and the wisdom of ancient civilizations are finally coming together. New research confirms the healing power of sound in general and the power of the 528 hz frequency in particular. This includes the benefits of tuning with the Lovetuner during mindful meditation.

In recent years, researchers have been testing the effects of sound on human cells, DNA, and bioenergetics, with promising results. This research will have an impact on the way we view energy work and the power of healing through sound. Scientists in Tehran have discovered that prolonged exposure of laboratory animals to 528hz creates a positive change in behavior and a reduction of anxiety and its related behaviors. The results further reveal that reduced anxiety is related to an increase of testosterone in the brain, which is induced by the healing frequency, the frequency to which the meditation tool is tuned.

More and more articles are emerging about the healing frequency benefits. Exciting new studies conducted by Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Biostudies show that certain mechanosensitive genes react when subjected to audible sound. Certain types of cells, the fundamental units of life, respond to pressure, gravity, temperature, and light. However, “Sound is arguably the most important and ubiquitous environmental information we receive. So that brings up the question — do cells recognize sound?”, asks Masahiro Kumeta, lead author of the study. The answer is yes.

The Kyoto scientists discovered that genes involved in bone formation, the healing of wounds, and the extracellular matrix (which provides structural and biochemical support to surrounding cells) all respond to sound.

In future studies, scientists have announced they will focus on tissue- and organism-level effects to investigate the biological significance of sound response in living systems. Although the love frequency was not specifically studied, this research signifies the possibility of sound healing being integrated into conventional medicinal therapies in the future. 

Additionally, and most notably, in the spring of 2019, researchers at the Genesis Academy in Europe, explored the specific effects of the anxiety necklace and the healing frequency on the human brain. The research project was conducted on fifty random, anonymized test subjects who were attending a seminar on meditation device. Immediately prior to the seminar, scientists took a baseline BESA (Brain Electrical Source Analysis) test of each subject. The pre-tuning tests indicated that all fifty subjects were primarily in an imbalanced state of low energy, with one subject also exhibiting signs of anxiety and restlessness.

Next, these subjects joined a larger group of attendees and they were all introduced to the product. They learned a meditative breathing technique and participated in a group mindfulness meditation with the device (what we call “mass tuning”). After the seminar, the fifty test subjects were retested with astounding results: all participants exhibited a dramatic, positive change indicating a 99%-100% energetic balance and overall sense of calm. The study verified the important benefits of tuning with the meditation tool and aligning yourself with the love frequency, which, for this very reason, is often called the Healing Frequency.

Researchers concluded that “the Lovetuner is an excellent and easy way to create a significant, positive change in the natural vibration of humans and their environment via the DNA positive frequency.”