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One World. One Love. One Tone. LOVETUNER 528hz

Breathe, Tune In, And Invite Love Into Your Live!

Breathe, Tune In, And Invite Love Into Your Live!

There is one thing we all have in common — we need to breathe to stay alive. Most of the time we just breathe without awareness. The magic happens when we focus on our breath — we instantly shift into the here and now...

The power of the breath is a pearl of ancient wisdom. If you are not aware of your breathing and you are restless, your breath gets shorter and the sympathetic nervous system is getting triggered. This is the system that is responsible for the fight or flight response and is linked to our survival instincts. Stress isn’t a fluke mutation, it was created to help us know when we were in danger. There’s a reason we have shallow breaths and our heart rate increases during stressful times. Our body is sending the signal to us that we need shallow breaths and a fast heart rate to help us survive the situation we’re in. We need to fight for our lives or to run away as fast as possible. The problem is that we rarely need this response anymore. Stress has become a common issue in the modern world. Our situations are constantly changing and for many, there is a struggle to not only survive but actually thrive. Unfortunately, stressors can’t be removed in the blink of an eye. For now, we need to learn to adapt coping mechanisms.

Chronic stress can lead to anxiety and depression. We are not really adapted to the stresses of work yet, so anything that causes stress is marked as a threat by our body. This activates the hypothalamus, a section of the base of the brain. The activation causes a rush of hormones and chemicals, specifically adrenaline and cortisol. Not only is this an uncomfortable experience, but it raises blood pressure, blood sugar, and cuts off certain systems. Long-term stress can lead to poor mental health, weight changes, digestive issues, poor sleep, and more. It’s important we do everything we can to prevent issues before they have the chance to take root. Lovetuner is a stress reliever option!

We don’t need to activate our sympathetic nervous system nearly as often as we do. We’re spending too much time activating this system, and not the right one, the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the one you feel when you lie in Shavasana at the end of yoga class. It’s the feeling of calm that overcomes you during meditation and it is the feeling you have using the Lovetuner tuning into the 528 Hz frequency. It is important that you are aware that you can control your state of mind with your breath and let the 528 Hz frequency do its magic. The Lovetuner quiets your mind and brings you back into the here and now, shifting your awareness from the head to the heart.

The Lovetuner breathing exercise starts with a deep inhale through your nose and being aware of your thoughts. Exhaling through the Lovetuner creates a subtle tone and 528 Hz vibration starts to align the water molecules in your body and gives you instant relaxation and eliminates anxiety. In the 528 Hz frequency stress and negative emotion frequencies cannot exist, as darkness cannot exist in the light. Repeat breathing cycles as often as you like, but you should do it at least six times to calm down your nervous system. Modern science and the ancient wisdom of the 528 Hz frequency makes the Lovetuner a “Must Have” accessory.

If you are feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed or in general you are disconnected from life, then the Lovetuner is the perfect mindfulness tool as you are not only doing breathing. The Lovetuner also creates a spiritual breath turning your exhale into the vibrational Love frequency of 528 Hz. Also known as the Golden Frequency, this vibration creates an altered state within the body, mind and soul — just as 528 Hz sound bath bowls would do.

When you meditate and practice mindfulness with the Lovetuner, this device will help you to reduce stress, prevent burnout, strengthen your immune system, increase your lung volume, improve your health, and find inner peace through repetitive breathing. “Take a breathing break, arrive in the here and now and invite love in your life,” says Lovetuner CEO and Co-founder Sigmar Berg.

Other experiences can also be stimulated and strengthened through tuning: increasing awareness, letting go of pointless thoughts and anxiety, moving from the head to the heart, relaxing and finding balance, increasing concentration levels, and much more. Deepak Chopra, one of the most well-known names in alternative medicine and an advocate for the Lovetuner movement, knows the importance of tuning into yourself to create a safe living space within your own body.

We want the world to be a more loving, peaceful, harmonious, happier, and healthier place, right? First, we need to start with ourselves and be the change we want to see in this world. Inner peace and understanding help create the moral compass and strong will to assist others. It’s ok to still be on your own self-discovery path and know that you have a ways to go. However, without the seed of inner self, it’s difficult to bloom! With the Lovetuner this is an easy and fun way to connect with ourselves and the world around us. The Lovetuner is more than just a meditation device — it is a mindset and a global peace & love movement.

The Lovetuner teaches you the breath that spiritual gurus across the globe are going to recommend to you. It’s what you’ll find at your yoga retreat, sound bath, and guided meditation, but with the Lovetuner you can be your own guide!