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One World. One Love. One Tone. LOVETUNER 528hz

Teaching Mindfulness In Schools With The Lovetuner

Teaching Mindfulness In Schools With The Lovetuner

“If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will end violence from the world within one generation.” 

Dalai Lama

How to use Lovetuner as a Child’s Mindfulness Tool

First and foremost, we have an article that discusses using breathing therapy for kids! Check out “Lovetuner The Next Generation” for more guidance! In this article, we’re going to focus on using Lovetuner within the classroom or in a child’s group situation, as well as other general mindfulness techniques.

Color Breathing

The color breathing exercise is easy and doesn’t require any materials other than the Lovetuner, though construction paper or popsicle sticks could be used for visuals.

1. Ask your students to associate a positive feeling to a color — ie, happiness = yellow. Then have them assign a negative feeling to a color — dark blue = sad. If there’s time, you can ask them why they think those colors align with those emotions. Lesson bonus, you can teach some color theory later!

2. Have them practice taking a deep breath in, and then a deep controlled breath out, to ensure they’re doing their breathing techniques right.

3. Now, the kids will practice their breathing and colors with Lovetuner. They take a deep inhale in, visualizing their happy color entering their body, and a deep exhale out into Lovetuner, visualizing their negative color leaving them. Use emotion combinations to help them remember!

Hearing Exercise

For getting classes to settle down and refocus. You’ll need a Lovetuner and other instruments that make noise, such as bells or sounding bowls. If you can’t provide a bell, there are phone apps and YouTube videos that have them recorded for this purpose.

  1. When the students hear one of the noises, they have to focus on the noise. They should pay attention to how it sounds, if one ear hears it better than the other, and what that noise makes them feel.
  2. They remain quiet until the noise is completed and the teacher speaks again.
  3. Play all the different sounds and ask them how each one sounds and how each one made them feel!
  4. Bonus:  If the class is using the Lovetuner, which is tuned to the 528 hz frequency, ask them if they notice the difference between a controlled breath through the tuner vs the clang of a bell.

Mindfulness is a necessary tool for students with dozens of benefits. Finding ways to teach mindfulness is a fun, playful manner will help students pick it up even faster. Have other exercise ideas? Tried any of these out? Let us know!